Extracts from the book, “Guaranteed Success”
Extract ONE;
Let’s get to work – What sort of business are you in now?
The Bellajack team have spent most of our working lives, consulting to businesses about how to improve their structure, operations and processes in order to allow them to operate more efficiently and more profitably. Now for a consultant like me, this constant change is a wonderful friend. You see, by the time something has been seemingly perfected, the world has inevitably changed, and further improvements are required. Thus, if the business has the inclination (and the funds to pay) for further assistance, the consultant has another ready-made piece of work to perform.
One thing I have observed quite clearly though, is that not all businesses or business people cope with change in the same way, or with the same degree of either composure or success – and this holds true regardless of whether a firm is utilizing an external consultant or not. This for me, when I first noticed it, was a fascinating insight, as I found there was a direct link between how a business and its key staff responded to change, and how successful that firm was.
I initially found I could split firms into three broad categories, failing firms which I have termed, type “F” firms (as in receiving a failing, F grade in school), just passing, type “D” firms and high performing, type “A” firms. These marks related equally to their sustained performance figures and also to their behavioural characteristics,
CLICK HERE to read the whole article
Extract TWO;
The Paradox of Opportunities
CLICK HERE to go through the pdf of the extract.
Extract THREE;
“How to eat an Elephant”, or “Curb your Enthusiasm!!”
Another slightly ironic challenge that many busineses face during the implementation of their strategic plan is what we refer to as “The Over-Enthusiasm Blockage”. This is where members of the team try to bite off more than they can chew – often with disasterous results
The irony is that overly enthusiastic people though can cause real chaos, sometimes damaging the business more than those who do nothing at all, and all because these good people are trying to do the RIGHT THING!
In our 3rd extract from the book, Guaranteed Success, you can learn how to implement strategies that overcome this key blockage and make sure that everyone is contributing to keeping the plan on track and not driving anyone else nuts.
CLICK HERE to go through the pdf of the extract
Extract FOUR;
“What’s in a good Action Plan?”
Whether you are looking to build your own, custom made action plan template, or you prefer to simply use the Bellajack offering supplied in the Free Templates section of the website HERE, it pays to understand what you’re doing and why you are doing it.
The whole purpose of an action plan is to make it as easy as possible for everyone in your team to implement the strategies that you develop. After all there is no point in coming up with a strategic plan to transform your business if it can’t be implemented – it can’t transform anything if it doesn’t!
Our 4th extract from Phil Brooker’s book, “Guaranteed Success” takes you through the MUST HAVES when it comes to building an action plan that works. CLICK HERE to go through the pdf of the extract
Extract FIVE;
“The Most Common Reason Strategic Plans Don’t get Written”
Even after businesses work out that they are not achieving what they want. After they define their Vision for the business. Even after they set clear Goals and Objectives, there is one thing that prevents more than 65% of businesses ever actually completing the writing of their Business or Strategic Plan.
Amazingly, it is the reason for writing the plan in the first place that is that gets in the way – your Business as Usual activities (BAU), in other words your business itself!
Why does this happen? And How can you overcome or avoid this incredible situation?
Read our fifth extract from Phil Brooker’s book, Guaranteed Success HERE and arm yourself with the knowledge to make sure this ridiculous, and ridiculously common situation never happens to you, or at least not again!